Node Js
Node-js training in Noida provided by Grace Tech Solutions. If you are Searching for the best and recognised advanced Node-js training In noida, then enroll with ‘Grace Tech and get Live Projects based training.
Grace Tech is the Certified And corporate level training provider company in India, it provide beginer and Professional level training for Freshers and experienced.
Node Js is a JavaScript framework built on Chrome’s JavaScript run time environment. Node js is an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that is usable for building a lightweight and scalable applications. Node Js mainly works on the server-side environment where applications are developed using Angular Js and Node Js.
The Silents features of Node-js
- Node Js is very light-weight JavaScript framework mainly runs on Browser to perform Operations.
- Node Js framework is mainly used because of its unique feature of less execution time for processing a node application. Thus Node Js is widely used in the organization as it offers a very good workflow with less execution time, eventually helps in completion of the project with the scalable feature.
- Node Js is highly scalable as it renders the applications and helps the server to respond very quickly to the Input and Output blocking. Thus Node Js is termed as a scalable JavaScript language.
- Node Js works on “Single Threaded Event Loop Model”- which means It works on a single thread to handle multiple Clients.
- Node Js follows I/O Asynchronous process as it follows single way communication by unblocking the incoming and outgoing data. The server doesn’t wait for API to return the data, it moves to next API and Notification mechanism of events will inform the server about the response. It follows event driven mechanism.
- Node Js is an Open source, free JavaScript framework available to use and operate. Node Js has several library modules which add additional functionalities to Node Js Applications.
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